November 07, 2003

Salesforce Intelligence Workshop at IIR’s Strategic CI Conference in Chicago

SCIPI drove down from Aurora’s research and analysis operations headquarters in Madison to Chicago this past Wednesday to start the first of three days at IIR’s Strategic Competitive Intelligence conference at the Hyatt on Printer’s Row. Aside from a hotel with no high-speed Internet available (that really does amount to table stakes these days guys, just don’t even try and compete without it) it was a great conference.

I was a conference-attendee until this morning when I kicked into speaker mode with a small-group workshop on "Salesforce Intelligence Best Practices: Six Killer Intelligence Tools for Sales Support & Success", a longer adaptation of the KMWorld program from last month.

If rumors are true, then IIR and SCIP will be doing a lot in the future together and this represented IIR’s toe-in-the-water of the CI conference business again. I used to do lots of IIR conferences in the past, but it seems they stopped doing intelligence related events a couple of years ago, just when things started getting interesting. I think it’d be a good relationship for SCIP to have a professional conference production company handle event logistics, and let SCIP focus on the content and marketing.

Lord knows, we need some new material.

- Arik

Posted by Arik Johnson at November 7, 2003 02:52 PM | TrackBack